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The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

-Oscar Wilde

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Twin Tec Absinthe Biker Medicine Twin Tec Absinthe Biker Medicine

Twin Tec Absinthe Biker Medicine

Brand information

0.5 liter
Oliver Matter AG

An absinthe verte from Matter-Luginbühl in Kallnach. Made for a local motorcycle club.

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Twin Tec Absinthe Biker Medicine

Editor reviews

Twin Tec Absinthe Biker Medicine 2011-12-15 20:54:13 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 15, 2011

Absinthe reviews

Another visit paid to the wonderful Erlebnisbrennerei, Matter-Luginbühl in Kallnach. Home of the Duplais range of absinthes, Martinazzi and several very good eau-de-vie's. In the little town of Kallnach there's a motorcycle enthusiast club and this is their medicine. Distilled at the Matter-Luginbühl distillery it is certainly a well crafted absinthe.

Pouring a dose in the glass reveals a wonderfully vibrant green. Vibrant enough to catch the eye immediately without thinking it's another one of those Spanish club-mixes. It's naturally colored and they make a very good job at that. The aroma is very fine, a nice herbal complexity that seems to stick around forever. With Wormwood clearly present and with fine notes of Artemisia pontica nicely partnered with Fennel and Hyssop. Already at the first few drops of iced water added, it starts blooming, presenting a fine herbal garden spreading out in the entire room.

It louches just fine with a nice clouding going on and at a little more than three parts water it's completely louched, presenting an entirely opaque light green drink. This very good initial impression is carried on into the taste where a well balanced drink in which each herb gets its fifteen minutes of fame without taking over the stage is delivered. A very fine example of a good absinthe. If you get the chance to taste it, you should.
Fee Verte scoresheet points
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