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I sit at my door, smoking a cigarette and sipping my absinthe, and I enjoy every day without a care in the world.

- Paul Gaugin, 1897

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Absinthe Duplais Blanche Absinthe Duplais Blanche

Absinthe Duplais Blanche

Brand information

0.5 liter
Oliver Matter AG

Second absinthe from the Duplais line. Again, based on a recipe from the old Duplais distillers manual. This is a very nice breath of fresh air being an absinthe blanche from Switzerland that is not a "La Bleue".

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Absinthe Duplais Blanche
Absinthe Duplais Blanche

Editor reviews

Absinthe Duplais Blanche 2011-12-15 20:18:16 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 15, 2011

Absinthe reviews

This too, as the Duplais verte is made in co-operation between the Oliver Matterdistillery and Markus Lion of Absinthe.de. A venture that seems to be working out just fine.

The Duplais blanche, just as the verte does pack a nice punch that reminds you of the complexity and high alcohol level and will affect you if you're not careful... It's by no means any error though. The Duplais blanche holds a nice and rich herbal complexity with a noticable wormwood character nicely balanced with fennel, anise and some mint. It's basically made off of an old recipe dating back well around 100 years ago with only minor modifications.

The Duplais blanche presents a very nice milky louche which while slowly building up reveals a lot of nice aromas which all reflect the taste you're about to experience once you take your first sip.

This one, currently only along with a few others, is a nice change from the standard lower alcohol level "La Bleues", given it's at 72% instead of around 53%. This helps creating a different complexity than the standard fare of Swiss blanche absinthes. Something I certainly don't have a problem with at all. So, to put it simple the Duplais Blanche is absolutely one absinthe you need to try and I'm confident you will enjoy it.
Fee Verte scoresheet points
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