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Musset didn't write the way he did because he drank absinthe, instead he drank for the same reason for which he wrote just like that: namely out of despair.

-August Strindberg, 1886
Tjänstekvinnans Son
(The Son of a Servant)

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Segarra Absenta 68 Segarra Absenta 68

Segarra Absenta 68

Brand information

1.0 liter
Destilerias Julian Segarra

It was a great pleasure to see a stronger version of the nice Segarra absenta. But that was quickly killed by the wrongful use of Wormwood for coloring. That gives you a nasty bitterness. Too bad.

Editor reviews

Segarra Absenta 68 2011-12-07 20:03:05 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 07, 2011

Absinthe reviews

Thanks to the good people at Spirits Corner in Barcelona I got the opportunity to taste this one. I've been meaning to get a bottle for a very long time, but never got around to it, until now.

I've had the Segarra 45 many times, and I've always liked it a lot for its simplicity. Wormwood and anise distilled in high proof spirits. Aged at old brandy casks and then bottled at 45%. So, how does the Segarra 68 compare to that? In my opinion, Julian Segarra should stick to his 45 version, or modify the 68 quite a bit. The Segarra 68 comes in a nice enough bottle, but with a tad tacky labelling.
Upon opening the bottle it doesn't smell all that much. Not at all like the 45. I tasted it neat and at first it was quite allright. A good heat from the 68% alcohol, a slight bit of anise, and then it hits you. A very tense bitterness. Clearly the man, Julian Segarra, has used wormwood in the coloring step of this one. That is not a good idea. The bitterness is in no way a good one. It just stays there, on your tongue reminding you of every sip you go through.

I sweetened it with both one and two sugar cubes, but it just wouldn't smoothen out that bitterness. On the whole, I think it's really sad that this one, was such a disappointment compared to the 45. My suggestion to Mr Segarra is to simply stick to the recipe of the 45, but raise the alcohol level to 68, and there's a much better product.
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- absinthe books and poetry -

Many writers "of old" wrote poems or passages about absinthe. Some drank it, some didn't. Find some of them here as well as reviews and notes on modern books about absinthe.  


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