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The premier independent absinthe resource since 2003

Musset didn't write the way he did because he drank absinthe, instead he drank for the same reason for which he wrote just like that: namely out of despair.

-August Strindberg, 1886
Tjänstekvinnans Son
(The Son of a Servant)

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Abtshof Absinth 66 Abtshof Absinth 66

Abtshof Absinth 66

Brand information

0.5 liter
Mixed & Macerated

Another one of those absinthes where the packaging cost more per bottle than what's inside. With a suggestion on the back label to mix the absinthe with an energy drink, I have very low expectations.

Editor reviews

Abtshof Absinth 66 2011-12-06 20:43:53 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 06, 2011

Absinthe reviews

I found this bottle down in Germany, figuring the 20 Euros it cost wasn't all that much, I bought it. This absinth is rather dark green in color, comes in a apothecary type bottle with a metal plate looking like the Route 66 sign. Don't know why anyone would do that, but it looks nice. Not the traditional absinthe type bottle though. Then again, the content isn't very much like traditional absinthe either.

Smelling it reveals a very heavy artificial scent of what resembles anise. Then there's alcohol and sweetness. Tasting it neat is not much of a surprise. A very artificial taste, as the color - but not quite as much as the Tabu. It louches quite quickly and turns into a thick light greenish louche. The taste after adding water is not much of an improvement. It's drinkable, but it's far from any really good absinthe I've had. It is better than all the Czech brands I've had, but falls below the Oxygénée for comparison. I guess it is on par with Tunel and Mari Mayans and the likes. It is, obviously, way behind the finer distilled ones.

The conclusion is finally, do not buy it. At this price you can get a bottle of Emile Coulin, which is much better.
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- absinthe books and poetry -

Many writers "of old" wrote poems or passages about absinthe. Some drank it, some didn't. Find some of them here as well as reviews and notes on modern books about absinthe.  


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The Absinthe Poetry section has seen several updates the past days. Poems and information about more authors; Antonin Artaud, Arthur Symons, Francis Saltus Saltus, Florence Folsom and Robert Loveman. Open your mind and have a drink while you enjoy their lyrics. 


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