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You seem to loose your feet, and you mount a boundless realm without horizon. You probably imagine that you are going in the direction of the infinite, whereas you are simply drifting into the incoherent.

- American Journal of Pharmacy, 1868

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Brand information

0.7 liter
Combier / Jade Liqueurs

The first absinthe to be released from Jade Liqueurs and the Combier distillery in Saumur. Long awaited for in the absinthe community and pretty well recieved.

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Editor reviews

Nouvelle-Orleans 2011-12-07 16:28:54 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 07, 2011

Absinthe reviews

After years of waiting it is finally here. Jade Liqueurs have released their first absinthe. The works of T.A Breaux, and mighty fine works at that. The Jade line of absinthes are only available through Liqueurs de France. Nouvelle-Orléans is now also available for ordering at the Swedish Systembolaget liqour stores.

The Jade Nouvelle-Orléans is without a doubt one of the finest contemporary absinthes I have ever had. Released at the same time as the distillers proof of Verte Suisse 65, it certainly had great competition, but there's enough of a difference between the two to actually share the top spot.

My memories from tasting a prototype of the Nouvelle-Orléans had my expectations pretty high up but the final release exceeded it all.

Upon opening the bottle there's a really wonderful scent reaching my nose, very smooth and very fine fennel and hyssop certainly break through the truly complex herbal composition.

The color of the Nouvelle-Orléans is a light peridot green, actually a bit greener than I remembered from the prototype, but most definitely appealing.

I had a little sip of it neat, and though it's at 68% it's actually very smooth on the tongue. Dilluting it releases the most wonderful pale white, greenish louche and the was literally filled with all new smells. The character of the drink is so unbelievably smooth, yet full of taste.

Apart from the hyssop that I consider give that little extra touch to the Nouvelle-Orléans, the fennel is what is most dominant -- atleast to me. There's a good bit of wormwood that lingers in the back along with a very subtle taste of anise. Neither breaks through too much, just stays in the background.

I tried it both with and without sugar, and either works just fine.

All in all, this is one masterpiece, perfectly crafted, beautiful bottle and labelling, wonderful color, perfect louche and -- this far -- unbeatable taste.
Fee Verte scoresheet points
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