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You seem to loose your feet, and you mount a boundless realm without horizon. You probably imagine that you are going in the direction of the infinite, whereas you are simply drifting into the incoherent.

- American Journal of Pharmacy, 1868

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Absinthe Blanchette Absinthe Blanchette

Absinthe Blanchette

Brand information

0.5 liter

An absinthe blanche from Combier. In cooperation with Jade Liqueurs they made this based on an old Combier absinthe recipe. It was awarded a gold medal in the 2006 Absinthiades.

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Absinthe Blanchette
Absinthe Blanchette

Editor reviews

Absinthe Blanchette 2011-12-07 15:53:19 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 07, 2011

Absinthe reviews

Another one from Jade Liqueurs/Combier. This time a blanche which is actually based on an old recipe once made by Combier before the ban.

A first look makes you wonder if this is really a blanche or not. There's a yellow tinge to the absinthe which one wouldn't expect from a blanche. It doesn't impart anything on the flavour and what's more important is that after only a couple of days in the cabinet (not in complete darkenss) the yellow is actually gone and it has turned blanchey.

Now then, what's this one like? First of all it differs from many of the blanches/bleues that have come out the last year or so in the way that it holds only a very faint fennel presence. It does have a nice anise taste though and it's definitely packed with wormwood. At first it seems a bit harsh on the nose from the alcohol which surprises a bit given it's "only" at 60% but that quickly fades and the fruity notes of wormwood and the lightness of the anise takes over.

Adding water to it produces a nice and steady louche and releases more of the drinks aroma character. Tasting it confirms what the scent told. It's got a good bit of wormwood nicely countered by mainly anise. It's really nice.

It's a pity this only comes in 0.5 liter bottles yet but I'm told there should be 1 liter bottles soon. That's good cause this one is draining fast.
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Many writers "of old" wrote poems or passages about absinthe. Some drank it, some didn't. Find some of them here as well as reviews and notes on modern books about absinthe.  


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