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The premier independent absinthe resource since 2003

I sit at my door, smoking a cigarette and sipping my absinthe, and I enjoy every day without a care in the world.

- Paul Gaugin, 1897

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Absinthe Reviews Modern Absinthes France Absinth Emanuelle - Vom Fass

Absinth Emanuelle - Vom Fass Absinth Emanuelle - Vom Fass

Absinth Emanuelle - Vom Fass

Brand information

0.7 liter
Paul Devoille / Vom Fass

Made by French distillery Paul Devoille for German liqour company Vom Fass.

Editor reviews

Absinth Emanuelle - Vom Fass 2011-12-06 20:24:32 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 06, 2011

Absinthe reviews

And another one purchased in London. Actually, this one I stumbled across in the store where I got the La Fée. It was in the wine and spirits department at Selfridges & Co at Oxford Street. Apparently they have a section there where they make their own spirits from essences from Vom Fass, which you can sample in the store and then buy! An excellent marketing idea, and it worked. I tasted the Absinth Emanuelle, and I enjoyed it.

It's made from essences, but it was quite nice, tasting it neat. Very well comparable to any other oil mix available. I got to pick which shape and size bottle I wanted, and the nice lady filled it up, sealed it and wrapped it. It wasn't cheap, but it was a nice addition to my collection. If not taste wise, then at least for the bottle.

So, how did it taste? It was actually not that bad. It was way better than some other more known brands. I do get the feeling that it is pretty close to a pastis, and that they might very well just have renamed their pastis essence or something along that line. It wouldn't need sugar, since it's obviously sweetened before. On adding water it presents a thick instant louche. The fact that this one is actually drinkable proves that many "low budget" oil mixes still are closer to absinthe than any Czech crap available.
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- absinthe books and poetry -

Many writers "of old" wrote poems or passages about absinthe. Some drank it, some didn't. Find some of them here as well as reviews and notes on modern books about absinthe.  


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The Absinthe Poetry section has seen several updates the past days. Poems and information about more authors; Antonin Artaud, Arthur Symons, Francis Saltus Saltus, Florence Folsom and Robert Loveman. Open your mind and have a drink while you enjoy their lyrics. 


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