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Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger

Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger

Brand information

0.5 liter
Oliver Matter AG

A verte based on a recipe from the Brevans manual with artwork by H.R. Giger. It's that simple. But the product is anything but simple...

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Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger
Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger

Editor reviews

Absinthe Brevans H.R Giger 2011-12-15 20:13:43 Markus Hartsmar
Absinthe.se rating 
Reviewed by Markus Hartsmar    December 15, 2011

Absinthe reviews

Another absinthe in the "absinthe art" series from the Oliver Matter/Markus Lion cooperation. This one is based on a traditional recipe from the book of Brevans on the manufacture of liqueurs etc. It has a very vibrant clear green color - a color which on certain forums have been debated on whether it is natural or not. I can honestly guarantee that it is natural - there are no artificial colorants added at all. Now, to move on it has a wonderful nose with a nice complex and tempting aroma. The wine alcohol base is notable and also a good portion of wormwood, green anise and fennel. Slight hints of coriander and a faint minty touch is present also.

The addition of water enhances the overall aroma and lets out more of the herbal complexity and also produces a really nice thick light green louche. The aroma carries on to make a fine full mouth-feel, slightly dry but creamy and certainly acceptable.

The taste is as expected very good and I think the Brevans H.R Giger is one of my personal favorite absinthes from the Matter-Luginbühl distillery.
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